Mom Blogger


Despite the fact that I am on maternity leave and spend most of my hours at home, I find myself with less time for blogging. I recall being disappointed (saddened) when some of my favorite bloggers started blogging less (and sometime quit altogether) after having babies...but I also kind of expected it. Your priorities change a bit. I don't plan to quit blogging, but I know it will be less often.

I've been debating about whether or not to share the "birth story". I personally love reading them but they can border on over sharing and TMI when shared publicly for the world to read. Hmm...I'll think about it.

Meanwhile...I love being a mom. There are times when I remember..."oh yeah I can't just run out and do that" and such. I of course miss normal sleeping patterns and those occasional sleep in as long as I want days. But all of the change is absolutely worth it. I love my little man so much. He brings us so much joy already.

My whole family has now officially visited from NC. My brothers and their families visited this past weekend and it was wonderful. I miss them all so much. My brothers are my best friends and I hate living so far away from them.

Dinners, cards, flowers, heart is full. Our friends and family have been so great. I also had a wonderful birthday that my husband orchestrated.

It's been a busy few weeks and full of sentiment.

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